Volume 2 Number 2
©The Author(s) 2000
Fall 2000
Research & Practice
Readiness for School: A Survey of State Policies and Definitions Gitanjali Saluja, Catherine Scott-Little, & Richard M. Clifford Volume 2, Number 2: Fall 2000 Also in Spanish
Conceptualizing the Professional Role in Early Childhood Centers: Emerging Profiles in Four European Countries Pamela Oberhuemer Volume 2, Number 2: Fall 2000 Also in Spanish
Language Development and Science Inquiry: The Head Start on Science and Communication Program Evelyn R. Klein, Penny L. Hammrich, Stefanie Bloom, & Anika Ragins Volume 2, Number 2: Fall 2000 Also in Spanish
Starting Child Care: What Young Children Learn about Relating to Adults in the First Weeks of Starting Child Care Carmen Dalli Volume 2, Number 2: Fall 2000 Also in Spanish
Observations & Reflections
Early Childhood Educators and the FIS Grant Program: An Interview with Naomi Karp Volume 2, Number 2: Fall 2000 Also in Spanish
The Hairy Head Project Barbara Gallick Volume 2, Number 2: Fall 2000 Also in Spanish
Science Education and Young Children:
Recent Citations from the ERIC Database
Lilian G. Katz, Editor
Dianne Rothenberg, Associate Editor
This issue of ECRP was funded at least in part with Federal funds from the U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences. The content of this issue of ECRP does not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the U.S. Department of Education, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.